Ji'an Utley MES Project Kick off Meeting

2022-09-27 233


Person in charge of Information CenterOpening remarks

UTL has always been seeking to use information technology to effectively control and manage the production and manufacturing of the enterprise.
As one of the necessary foundation systems for the company's journey towards an information-based intelligent chemical plant, the MES system has been implemented in Shenzhen headquarters for more than half a year, and it is imperative for Ji'an Industrial Park to implement the MES system as an important production base of the company.Leaders and key personnel at all levels of the company,On the afternoon of February 18, 2022Held in the meeting room on the third floor of Ji'an A1 buildingMES project kick-off meeting


Ling Xiufeng, Director of Utley Information TechnologyOpening remarks

Director Ling, in combination with the current situation of the company,Business philosophy,Briefly explain the importance of informatization to the development of an enterprise. The implementation of MES system construction by Utley is in line with the requirements of the times and the company's development, which is an imperative trend. It is hoped that leaders at all levels and business backbones can seize the opportunity of information system construction. On the one hand, they can closely cooperate with the project team to carry out system construction, and on the other hand, they can improve themselves in the process of system construction.

图片Report on the kick-off meeting of Tang Jianghua, the project leader of Huakai

Tang Jianghua, the project leader of Huakai, reported on the implementation plan and arrangement of the entire MES project.
Tang Jianghua made a detailed report on the construction plan of the whole project on the objectives, research plan, implementation plan, implementation methodology and risk control of the project construction. And the importance of MES system for manufacturing enterprises is illustrated with previous cases.

Ji'anbe responsible forpeoplespeak

At the meeting,生产be responsible forpeople石军In his speech, he pointed out thatAt present, the on-site office is paper-based, and the data chain cannot be traced completely. It is difficult to provide a complete data chain for production. There was a case that it took three months to provide production reports. It is hoped that the system can reduce the workload in related aspects.
At the meeting,工程部be responsible forpeople朱观音指出了深圳地区与江西地区的差异性,深圳地区工序简单,物料复杂;江西地区物料简单,工序复杂。申明了客户对生产现场要求:提供数据采集,确保防呆防错,完整生产数据的追溯。所以系统的推行是必须要做的,而且要坚决去配合做好。
At the meeting,第二事业部现场be responsible forpeople崔孟伟表示:在建设系统的同时,梳理当前不合理不规范的流程,并将其标准化后执行,达到防呆防错的目的,强调系统推行的势在必行,必将全力配合。
At the meeting,Ling XiufengSummarized the obstacles encountered when Shenzhen MES was launched, emphasized the convenience brought by the launch, and repeatedly stated the necessity and determination of implementing the project.
最后总经办be responsible forpeople章兰对会议进行了总结:表明当前集团内部信息化建设薄弱,强调MES上线虽然存在困难,但必须推行落地。举例集团产品的不良品率偏高,且缺失有效数据支撑内部良品率的提升,后续希望借助系统的管控模式来提升产品良率,提升公司的利润,造福广大员工。
Ji'anbe responsible forpeoplespeak


The construction of subsequent projects will be tracked and reported continuously, and you are welcome to pay attention!

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