Industry Information | 2021 Electronic Cigarette Industry Group Standard Release and Standardized Development Publicity and Implementation Meeting, to jointly promote the prosperity and development of

2022-09-27 215

On September 28, 2021, the Electronic Cigarette Business Committee of China Electronics Chamber of CommercemainThe "2021 Electronic Cigarette Industry Group Standard Release and Standardized Development Publicity and Implementation Meeting" was successfully held in Bao'an, Shenzhen.Shenzhen Utley Energy Co., Ltd. attended the meeting as a supporting unit.

At the meeting, two landmark group standard documents of the electronic cigarette industry, namely, Technical Specification for Safety of Electronic Atomizing Liquids and General Technical Specification for Atomizing Electronic Cigarette Devices, were released.


Release of two group standards

15 support units participated in the exhibition

Awarded by 43 group standard drafting units

600+member enterprises gather on site

The conference gathered domestic leading enterprises in China's electronic cigarette industry, including the production, manufacturing, sales, battery energy supply chain and other aspects, as well as all member units in Shenzhen.


Wang Ning, President of China Electronics Chamber of Commerce
Member of the Expert Committee of China Electronics Chamber of CommerceStandard review team leader Xu Xiaodong
Yang Yanzhang, Assistant Dean of Shenzhen Institute of Metrology and Quality Inspection
Dr. Deng Ming, Head of New Tobacco Research Group of Yunnan University
And other speakers made wonderful speeches on the development direction and trend of new tobacco, as well as the formulation process and content details of the two standards.


The launching ceremony of the group standard of the electronic cigarette industry was successfully completed under the joint witness of the leaders, guests, representatives of the standard drafting unit and all participants of the Chamber of Commerce, and officially announced to all sectors of the society that the electronic cigarette industry has ushered in stricter standards to regulate the production and operation of enterprises. Set limits on the industry threshold through standards, improve the industry access level, regulate the production and sales of domestic electronic cigarettes, and establish a benchmark image for the next development of the industry through effective safety monitoring and risk assessment to achieve effective monitoring.

As a special supporting unit of China Electronic Chamber of Commerce, Utley was invited to attend the meeting, and participated in and witnessed the formulation and release of the electronic cigarette industry standards. Shenzhen Utley Energy Co., Ltd., as a supplier of batteries for important components in the electronic cigarette supply chain, said that in future production and quality inspection, it would strictly refer to the requirements of group standards, consciously standardize production and operation, and actively participate in the implementation of relevant standards such as testing and certification.
The release and implementation of the group standard is conducive to raising the threshold of the electronic cigarette industry, but also has operability, promoting orderly competition, further promoting limited competition, realizing mixed operation, smoothly implementing the supervision of macro policies, and conforming to the health concept of public health and happy China.The Electronic Cigarette Industry Committee of China Electronics Chamber of Commerce calls on all electronic cigarette related enterprises to produce in strict accordance with the group standards and specifications, ensure the quality and safety of products, safeguard the interests of consumers, and jointly promote a more healthy, standardized and sustainable prosperity of the industry.

The formulation, release and implementation of the new standards are believed to make China's new tobacco and energy industry go further!

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